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Campaign Experience

The digital campaigns showcased below were completed during my masters program with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. in each project, I conducted the research, as well as worked directly with clients to create what you see below.

My experience with campaigns began with my internship with the University of Arizona marketing department, then continued with work on the digital side in Arizona Athletics Creative Services.

Nike Softball

As the project for one of my graduate school classes, I had to design a campaign for Nike, with the guidance of a Nike worker as the project supervisor.  At the time, Nike was working on the "Dream Crazy" campaign, which often starred professional female athletes such as Serena Williams.  I saw a need with the lack of coverage for Nike Softball as a place to build the campaign. From there, I surveyed over 40 players, coaches, parents of players, as well as a few experts to get insight into where the needs were and what the misconceptions of professional softball were.  The campaign ads, designed in the "Dream Crazy" format, were built off the feedback from the surveys.

To see the surveys and formal presentation please contact me.

Gamers Code

For my graduate school capstone class project, my group and I were tasked with the brand audit and potential rebranding of a game truck company called Gamers Code, better known as G-Code.

We rebranded the company, including a budget, ad buying, new target markets, and a social media plan. 

To see more on this project, please contact me.


For another graduate school project, we worked with the agency employed by Donsuemor to help the company brand itself, differentiating their madeleines from the ones they supply for companies such as Starbucks.  The challenge with this project was that they wanted to brand themselves as a local business, but nationally.  

I built this campaign starting off in their local market, San Jose, but centering around the industry triangle. From there, we would send the cookies out to the companies and rebrand the madeleine as the "office cookie" or "office snack."

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